
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Tradition {12 Days of Christmas}

Today is Day #7 of #12DaysOfBlogging with Amber and Erin
Today we are supposed to talk about Christmas traditions in our family.  I wouldn't say that growing up we had many "traditions" that we stuck to each year.  Then, as I sit here thinking about it I guess in our own way we did.
Decorating our house was always a tradition.  My mom and I have decorated together every year since I was a wee little one.  This year is the first year that she didn't help me at my house and me at hers.  It was a little strange and off but we successfully did it and now get to enjoy the others' decorations.
Christmas Eve.  My family never did anything with anyone else on Christmas Eve.  It was our day/night to spend together as a little fam bam.  I don't know when or how it got started but eventually my brother and I were able to open one gift on Christmas Eve.  Now we of course had already picked out which one we wanted to open and while ignoring encouragement from my mother I would single-handedly, almost always, open the WORST gift under the tree.  Now I don't mean this to sound rude or selfish - it is just completely true.  One year, the most memorable in fact, I opened up a black pad of paper.  Little did I know that my mom had bought me all of the super cool gel pens that I had asked for.  I was so upset.  I begged to open another and of course was told no.  That isn't how it goes.  LOL
Christmas morning is probably my favorite of the "traditions" that my family has.  Each year we would wake up and get our parents.  We would have to wait in the hallway or a bedroom where we couldn't see the tree ::looking back I think my parents didn't quite set everything up from Santa like the should have:: and wait for our parents to call us into the room.  Once we got in there the tree was full of presents!  I have a slight fondness obsession with presents.  I absolutely love them!  I love to give them and receive them.  Christmas was made for me - and the fact that my birthday is a week later ain't too shabby either. 
I digress...
We would sit around the tree and one of us would distribute the presents and stockings.  Usually it was me, because I love it so, and once all were with their new owners we would go one by one opening gifts.  This is my favorite.  It makes you slow down and appreciate what you get each round.  Plus you can actually pay attention to everyone else enjoying their gifts as well.
We have continued this tradition my whole life and now that the hubs has come around he is included as well.  I absolutely love it and cannot wait til we have littles to have them join in as well.
Another tradition that is new to our family - and by new I mean I started it 3 years ago - is that I make my brother and sister-in-law a personalized calendar for their Christmas present.  I started this one year to document the year of Gavin ::the most adorable little boy ever::  and it has continued since then.  I secretly hope that they look forward to it each year.  I love going through and finding the last year's worth of pictures to put in it and sending it off to them.
I love traditions so much and now looking at it, I guess my family does have some.  We are a strange bunch but we are definitely family and I love every single bit of it. :)

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