2. I am not a fashion blogger. I have no clue what I am going to wear most days of my life. Whatever is clean and happens to fit that day works best for me. I despise getting dressed for work because in my current state, preggo and loving it, all I want to wear are yoga pants and jeans with a stretchy tummy attached to them. I think I have good taste when it comes to clothes, but the fact that I refuse to pay full price for anything probably makes me feel like I would fail when it comes to fashion blogging. If you haven't already, go check out Night Chayde for your daily fix of fashion blogging. She is wonderful.
3. I am not a cook. I am working on it, and thankfully my husband is very supportive. I have some good go-to recipes but most of them are simple family dinners and not what I think people search blog land for. If you are looking for good recipes check out Heather's blog and wish nightly that she was making dinner for you.
4. I do not blog design. As badly as I wish I could make this little space of mine look exactly like I want and change it whenever I want, I have NO clue how to do anything. I was ever so lucky to have Marie as my CaraBox partner and she gifted me my current layout. It would still be plain and boring if it wasn't for her. Have you noticed how the "Wedding" and "Baby Hughes" tabs above go to nothing? That's because I can't figure even that out. So if you want to help a girl out, let me know!! :)
5. I am not the queen of DIY. I so wish that I could sit at home all day and just craft and DIY my little heart out. I have big plans for my Maternity leave, all of which I'm sure won't happen since the whole "you're out to have a baby" thing will be happening. LOL. But I love to get crafty and definitely think that I got some creative genes inside of me. I can't wait to get settled and set up a craft room/area and start getting to it. Maybe then I can have a reason I should be a blogger :)
6. I am the worst at pre-writing posts! I know that most bloggers plan out there posts a week in advance and then schedule them with HootSuite or another website that manages it for them. I aspire to be like these women. I usually end up writing my posts first thing in the morning at my desk while working. :)
7. I do not live in an amazing city like New York or Paris. I live in a tiny town in nowhere California. My husband and I are not "city folk" but not "country." We live a simple life of going to work, cleaning the house, mowing the lawns and fixing dinner. We love where we live, I'm just not sure everyone else would understand why :)
8. We do not have an endless amount of money so that we can travel the seven seas. As much as we would love to get away every weekend, we don't have that luxury at this point in our lives. I understand that most don't, but it seems in blog land that these ladies have the travel bug just as bad, but can actually take care of it. LOL. We have gone on one big vacation the entire 5 years we have been together. We are planning on taking another one in a year or two, but until then, I will live vicariously through all of you lovelies :)
9. I am not a fitness blogger. I actually have no desire to ever blog about working out. I think that has most to do with that fact that I can really only "work out" by walking currently. I know that once I pop this little boy out that me and the hubs will be hitting the pavement and getting our work out on. So maybe by next Spring I will be attempting to be a semi-fitness blogger :)
10. I have never been on a blate. I feel as though this is like a right of passage for bloggers. I hope one day I can meet some of these amazing women in person. Until then, I will keep reading and enjoying everyone's posts as if they are my best friends :)

aww you know i can help you any time on the layout hun!
ReplyDeleteCan you help ya girl out over here too?
DeleteI can relate to a lot of these reasons. I JUST got a fancy camera that I love. I live in North Carolina, which is not exactly a bustling metropolis. I am a semi fitness blogger, but I'm not like an elite runner or anything, so I fall very much in the the middle of all of these :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not most of these things either! I did do my own blog design, but it required a lot of googling!
ReplyDeleteThis is so relatable --- remember there are no rules to blogging :) I live in a small town in Pennsylvania, nothing too special but it's home and I love it. I get bored when all blogs are going off on their new this or that, it can get pretty materialistic quickly. I simply love hearing people's stories about their every day thoughts and lives. :)
ReplyDeleteSO relatable! Thanks for writing it :) I don't do most of them either :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha according to this, I probably shouldn't be one either ;)
ReplyDeleteI definitely should not be blogging either!