I can't believe that any day now you will no longer be our only little man in the house. Before that happens I wanted to take a moment to let you know what the past 20 months have meant to me and make sure that you never doubt my, or our, love for you.
I remember the day we found out about you. I hated disappointment and just knew that that test was going to be negative, once again. I wanted you so badly, that I was putting pressure on us and because of that I just knew it wasn't going to happen. And then, we flipped the test over and there it was, the double pink line that we had been waiting for! Fast forward 37 weeks and it was time for your birthday.
September 4, 2014, the day that our lives changed forever and you taught me what it really meant to be selfless. The day that you joined our family and made me a mom for the rest of my life. I can never thank you enough for choosing us to be your parents!
You are so full of life and energy and while there are days when you are a little too much for us to handle, we always put you to sleep at night and lay there in amazement that you are ours, forever!
You are such a happy boy who is learning so much everyday. There are more times then not that I get sad because I have to go to work and leave you with someone else during the day to learn from, but then you greet me each and every afternoon and I know that you get it. I know that you understand that we are doing what is best for you and our family.
Any day now your baby brother will be joining our family. I worry about not having enough room in my heart to love you both equally, but I am reminded daily that I'm sure that isn't possible. I worry that you will feel replaced or like we needed him more then you. I hope you never really think that these things are true. You are the boy who made me a mom first and forever. While I will love you both equally I know that you will both mean different things to me.
Caleb Tyler you are going to be the best big brother and don't ever forget that you are loved and wanted in our family forever!