I have lists of things that I want to do around the house but nothing that needs to be done right away.
I figured I should make, my favorite, a list to help me keep track of what I want done.
I bring you...
Back Yard:
- Rip out peach tree
- Rip out yellow flowers in 2 planters
- Plant 2 fruitless plum trees
- Build a large planter along back fence
- Plant flowers in large planter
- Fix sprinkler issue
- Get a patio furniture set
- Rip out 2 trees in planters
- Rip out tulip tree
- Weed 2 planters
- Rip out big ugly bush in planter
- Rip out nasty flowers
- Plant 1 fruitless plum tree
- Plant bulb garden around new tree
- Plant flowers in 2 planter boxes
- Get a swing or bench for front porch
- Figure out where our American Flag will go - we are thinking some concrete with a big pole in our front planter. We love America!
This is obviously a starter list and nothing is high priority at this point except for ripping the trees out. We don't want shallow rooted trees in our yards so the sooner we get them out, the sooner we can get trees we actually like in the ground and start providing nice shade for us.
I cannot wait to get our yards looking amazing. The yard was a huge thing to my dad growing up and my mom is a die hard an avid gardener, so I feel as though it is in my blood to love it too.
I can't wait to keep you all updated on the progress and make sure that you follow along on IG with #HughesMove2014

one year in our house, our list still feels just as long haha. but there is something so satisfying about getting stuff down to your OWN home. so much better.