Let's start with the basics. Linking up with September Farm and The Farmer's Wife today for Oh Hey Friday!
I started working again. It has been two full weeks and they have been better than I expected and harder all at the same time. I am blessed beyond belief at the fact that my wonderful mother gets to watch Caleb all day for me. To imagine leaving him with a stranger - because let's face it, anyone who isn't family and watches him at this point is still a stranger - is unbearable. I'm so glad that she, the hubs and my in-laws ever so graciously volunteered to help me/us out in doing so.
I decided when I came back to work, on December 1st, that I was going to wear a different top every day of work and not have any repeaters for the month. Sounds good right? I am lucky enough to have this opportunity. So far I am doing great and have put together 10 different outfits and can't wait to keep challenging myself for the rest of the month.
Parenting is hard. I didn't think it would be a walk in the park, but it is definitely more challenging on days then I thought. I will elaborate more on this next week, but just remember, that the village is real and it is a lifesaver!
Christmas is less than 2 weeks away now! Can you believe it? That also means that it is almost my birthday and the start of another year. I can't believe how fast it has gone by and how much has changed. I can't wait to do my yearly recap. Check out last year's if you'd like here.
My baby is 3.5 months old. Once again, life has gotten a hold of me and blogging took a back burner and I haven't posted his 3 month stats or letter yet. It also is on the schedule for next week. A little late, but never forgotten. He is such a big boy and growing so fast. I love this stage he is in right now, he is a happy loving boy who has my heart.
Happy Friday Y'all!
Nice to hear from you! Keep up the good work and don't worry about putting blogging on the back burner, that sweet babe is far too important :)