I am talking about marrying Ryan and living with him for the rest of my life.
My husband never ceases to amaze me.
He has always done whatever it takes to take care of us and make us happy. However, since we found out about Baby Hughes this has been escalated times 56748521348498635213! He is always making sure that I eat enough and the right things. He makes sure that I don't over exert myself or not get enough sleep. He does everything possible to let me just focus on growing this little baby inside of my tummy.
For that I love him even more than I did yesterday.
But the kicker?
This morning!
Let me preface by telling you our normal routine...
5:30-5:45 AM - We both set alarms so that I wake up in time for work.
5:45-6:10 AM - I get ready for work and Ryan takes care of Hank (waking, feeding, potty break)
6:10-6:25 AM - I get my lunch and breakfast together while Ryan either helps or keeps Hank out of the kitchen by watching the news together.
6:30 AM - I'm out the door headed for work.
Now, this morning...
Some horrible early time Ryan's alarm went off. He didn't wake me though. So I rolled over and went back to sleep for as long as he would let me. ::I am not a morning person AT ALL and love turning off my alarm, rolling back over and sleeping until my little heart desires:: Next thing I know I smell BACON! Now I thought that I was just dreaming. I was wrong! My wonderful, amazing, sweet, loving husband made me breakfast!!!! And it wasn't a bowl of cereal! He came in ever so quietly, crawled into bed, gave me a little love and asked me to get up and join him in the kitchen for breakfast. I was ecstatic and shocked and excited and so in love. He had woken up early to make me bacon, eggs, toast and a glass of milk. Him and my Hanky-poo were there in the kitchen looking ever so cute and I couldn't love them more.
This might seem odd and like he never does this for me but it is only odd because today is TUESDAY! We only make and eat breakfast together on the weekends. It was a special treat today and I love him so for it.
Ryan: "I figured a nice healthy breakfast for you and the baby wouldn't hurt today."
Gosh! Could I get more lucky??
In conclusion?
I love him so! He is the greatest decision I have ever made and I will never regret it. It takes such great care of me and I can only imagine how amazing of a dad he will be.
I love you babe!
That's such a sweet thing for him to do!
ReplyDeleteGirl, this is SO SWEET. That extra little action screams care so loud that it can't be ignored. Jason made the bed yesterday… Something he says he doesn't believe needs to happen every day… And my heart skipped a beat!