1. It's freaking FRIDAY!!!!
2. It's the last weekend in March!
3. I am so ready to be off of work and hanging out with my two favorite boys this weekend, Hank and Ryan! I haven't forgotten about Abbie, she has been spending time with her grandparents until Hank goes to training. Better for her at this time. I miss her dearly!
Some more randomness for this Friday.
Now I am never a fan of purchasing swim suits and for the past, probably, 3 years or so I have done it all online during the Fall so that I can get clearance suits sent to my house and try them on in the comfort of my own home.
So, last year we went to the Bahamas and it was amazing and I ended up with 7 swim suits. So with this being said, I knew that I was set for this summer. However, now I have this wonderful, amazing and lovely new accessory called The Bump.
Question is ladies, do I try to go buy a maternity suit? Do I just wear a bikini with one of Ryan's shirts over it like I did in elementary school because I would burn like a lobster? Decisions, decisions, decisions.
I can't believe that I am almost half way through my pregnancy! How did this happen? I love being pregnant. Sure there were those days in the beginning where I was too tired to even get dressed and really wished for it to go by faster, but now? Now I want to keep this little bean inside for as long as possible. I love everything about pregnancy so far. I love being able to see The Bump and now that little man or lady is in there cooking away getting big and strong. I love knowing that I am growing this tiny little thing. I am the one who will give him or her life and protect him or her for the rest of my days. My mom has always told me that she loved being pregnant and being around so many women who have been pregnant and somewhat miserable at times I didn't know how it was possible. But she is correct, and now I am too. I LOVE BEING PREGNANT!!! Now don't take this for craziness and think that I want to be pregnant for the next 5 years of my life, because let's be honest that means that I have to push babies out of my hoohaa that many times, but for now it is perfect.
Can't wait to meet you Baby Hughes. Your Mommy and Daddy love you so much already, although I am sure you already know that by how often we tell you at night before we go to sleep. :)
House Hunting
I can honestly say that this time around with house hunting is already going better. I couldn't be happier with how we feel now. Everyone just seems nicer and more willing to help us. I know now, more than ever before, that the house disaster of March was meant to be. Without it, we wouldn't be where we are now and wouldn't be as happy in the long run most likely. Although sometimes I still picture the Plumas Lake house, I know that the house we buy this time will be the right one for us and our littles. :)
Enough randomness for this Friday. I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and have a cocktail for me!!! :)
A cute bikini or tankini with no tshirt cover up! Rock that bump! I bought a regular tankini in a much larger size (at WalMart of all places !) and it fit the bump perfectly last summer and was cuter than ever! Don't hide the pretty belly!:)
ReplyDeleteI hope that I love being pregnant in the future! Some people for sure hate it lol