Friday, February 28, 2014
"I want to have my baby here already" - The Hubby
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
So You Want to Buy a House But Are Super Picky???
So as you know we are in the process of trying to buy our first home...
Well this is a lot easier said than done.
I asked our relator if I was being too picky when looking.... he responded with "No! You have to choose 5 things that the house must have and if it doesn't match those, then we keep on looking."
It was seriously the best thing to hear. We have made our list and I really don't think that we are asking too much. We are getting closer, but still haven't found it yet.
Here is our list:
1. NO front facing bedroom windows
I know that most people won't understand this, but I do not want my kids or myself in a bedroom with a window facing the front yard. I don't feel as though it is the safest and I know that I wouldn't feel comfortable there while Ryan is out of town.
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2. Open floor plan
I want to be able to see my kids play in the living room while I make dinner or do dishes. I don't want every room closed off from each other. Also, an open floor plan allows for more light to travel through the house.
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3. In a developed neighborhood
We want to live in a neighborhood that is already established with kind people around. Now I know that I cannot interview our neighbors before we offer on a house, but when we look at a house and there are kids playing in the street and neighbors talk to one another, we feel very warm and welcome. That is where we want to live and raise our kids. Also, we do not want to live on the outside of the community or a busy street. The quieter the better for us.
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4. Fireplace
Now this probably isn't a "make it or break it" for us, but I would really prefer one. I always loved having one growing up and haven't had one in the last 3 years. I prefer wood burning, but gas is nice also. Just as long as it provides us with heat I will be happy.
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5. Big backyard
This is an absolute must! With two dogs and babies on the way (just one for now - don't freak out!) we want plenty of room for everyone outside. We want grass for the dogs and kids and then a big enough side yard for the toys and yard stuff.
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With all of that said, I have fully decided that we aren't being too picky. There are plenty of houses out there and we just have to have patience and wait for the perfect one to come to us.
I know we will find it, although we thought we did twice already, but I am working on being more patient.
Any house hunting tips?? I'd love to hear them!
Friday, February 21, 2014
13 Week Bumpdate!
So I have decided to do some Bumpdates :)
I will not be taking over this blog with all baby stuff, although I am very excited so some days it might seem as though. I hope you continue to read along with me and enjoy my little space.
Onto the Bump!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Cara Box Reveal
Today is the day to link up with Kaitlyn and reveal our Cara Boxes from this exchange!
I don't think that Kaitlyn could have paired me with two better girls. I love that this time it was broken up by state. I think that it gave us a little more to relate to considering that we all live in the same general area.
I was paired with both Sara from Little Lilly Bits and Marie from Candidly Marie.
I was to send Sara her box and Marie mine. I got to know both of these girls so well and I can't wait to continue our friendship.
A little about these wonderful ladies...
Sara is a stay at home mommy to a beautiful little princess named Lilly. She is married to a Navy man and they are stationed down South - about 6 hours from us. She owns an Etsy shop and is super creative. We have so much in common and have had non-stop conversations. I love hearing about what her little one is up to and how life is going for her and the hubs here in California. It turns out that besides us having a ton in common, we also assume that the hubs do as well. We have a couple of military hunters on our hands and we love them dearly. Sara, it was such a pleasure "meeting" you and I can't wait to see where our friendship goes :)
Marie is also a stay at home mommy, but to a handsome big boy name Kayden. Her and her husband live about 3 hours South of us and raise their little. Marie is currently starting an education lifestyle to learn how to be a wedding coordinator. Talk about common interests huh? She is all things girly and fancy and what I wish I would look like after having a baby! Marie, getting to know you has been wonderful. I can't wait to follow you on your journey through this new education and see where your dreams take you. Oh and to watch Kayden grow because he is just the cutest thing ever!
Now for the reveal!
Marie hit the nail on the head with the box that she sent me! It was more than I could have asked for and hoped. I love every single thing inside, plus the extra gift that wasn't inside but was already given to me.
1. Cheez-Its
Oh man! Does this girl know me or what? I did list these on my 24 at 24 list, and even though I am 25 now, I am still addicted. She did send me more than are in this picture, but they may have already been devoured. :)
2. Nail Polish
Nail Polish is another weakness. I don't know one girl who doesn't swoon over getting new nail polish and the fact that it is Essie!!! EEEEkkkkkk!!!!!
3. Candle
Who doesn't love candles? I love candles and can't wait to burn this one. Plus it is my favorite color!! :)
4. Kohl's!
AAAHHHHH!!!!! She got me a gift card to Kohl's! One of my favorite places to shop! I can't believe I haven't used it yet, but I guess that is because I am trying to be budget friendly this month and know I would spend more than the gift card. Either way, super exciting!!
5. Blog Design
This is the one gift she gave me that wasn't in my box. This girl designed my blog for me for free!!! She gifted it to me as part of my box and gave it to me early! I couldn't be more thankful! I love how it turned out and if you are looking for a new design, check her out!!
Marie, thank you once again! You are the sweetest and I hope you got great stuff from your other match as well!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Liebster Award!!!
I was nominated for a Liebster Award!! :)
I couldn't believe it when Jordan nominated me! It is such a pleasure and sincerely, Thank You!
The rules for the Liebster Award are as follows:
1. Link back to the blogger that nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions requested by the nominator
3. Choose 11 nominees with small followings.
4. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
5. You must let the bloggers know they were nominated.
My 11 Questions Answered:
1. Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
This is a very tough choice. I would want both my mom and husband. But if I had to choose one, it would be the hubs - he is my baby daddy after all :)
2. If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?
I would either own a dance studio or be an elegant event coordinator. I know, both very different from each other, but both are dreams of mine.
3. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
I would own about 30 acres and the hubs and I would run an event business off our land and have room for hunting.
4. Where do you most want to travel, but have never been?
I would love to go to Europe. The hubs says that I would love Germany. Maybe one day :)
5. What is your favorite memory?
There are so many to choose from. I think all of my favorite memories currently would have to do with my dad and husband. Two most important men in my life.
7. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
I would go back to 2005, the summer that my dad got sick and passed away. I would spend more time with him and not let the little stupid things get in the way. I miss him every day.
8. How would your friends describe you?
I would guess Loyal and Loving. I think that I have an old soul and care a ton about people. I usually end up caring too much and sometimes get hurt. But I don't think it is all bad because it just means that there are better friends out there. I definitely have some of the best friends in the whole wide world :)
9. If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is one thing you would grab on the way out?
This is tough...I would make sure that Ryan and the pups were safe and sound.
10. Who is the one person that helped make you who you are today?
My mom. She is amazing! She is my bestest friend - besides Ryan - and my favorite! I love her dearly. It used to make me upset how much alike we are, but I have grown to love it! I hope that I can be half the mom she is to me. :)
11. What do you do when you're driving alone in the car?
Jam out! Nothing wrong with it. Crank that music and let your little heart be content!****************************
I nominate the following blogs that I love to read:
Marie from Candidly Marie
Roya from MommyTales
Lisa from Two Martinis
Sara from Little Lilly Bits
Brett from Handpicked Notions
Laura from Mrs. Laura Beth
Sarah from Sarrrahgirl
Victoria from Simply Anchored
Sarah from To Be Mrs. Collier
Aimee from Its a Beautiful Life
Katie from Katie Elizabeth
CONGRATS!!! Here are your 11 Questions!
1. What are three things that we don't know about you?
2. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
3. What is your favorite meal?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. What do you do for a living?
6. What is your favorite hobby? Besides blogging of course :)
7. What is better, to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all?
8. Cat or Dog person?
9. Dream job?
10. Who is the one person you can tell anything to without fear of judgement?
11. What are your favorite daily blogland reads?
Thank you again Jordan for the nomination!
1. What are three things that we don't know about you?
2. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
3. What is your favorite meal?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. What do you do for a living?
6. What is your favorite hobby? Besides blogging of course :)
7. What is better, to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all?
8. Cat or Dog person?
9. Dream job?
10. Who is the one person you can tell anything to without fear of judgement?
11. What are your favorite daily blogland reads?
Thank you again Jordan for the nomination!
P.S! I'm featured over on two wonderful ladies blogs today! Go check em out!
Showered with Design - Wedding Q & A Series
LifeStyleLove - Meet the Sponsors
Friday, February 14, 2014
A Little Bit of He and She made us Three!
Is the title for this post a little confusing??
Well I promise you in about 2 seconds it will make plenty of sense :)
You see, the husband and I have made a Hughes! That's right folks, Ryan and I are having a baby!!!! :)
We are beyond thrilled and excited to welcome this new addition to our family!
I know you are like, "Jeez Sara! Shut up already and give us the real facts!" Alright, alright. Here ya go!
We are due August 28th, 2014!
We found out we were pregnant on December 21, 2013! Merry Christmas to us!!!
We had our first ultrasound on January 17, 2014! We heard the heartbeat and saw our little one!
We waited to tell our parents until after the first ultrasound, which means that I kept a secret for 4 weeks!!! 4 weeks people!!! INSANE!!!!!
We are over the moon excited and can't wait to meet our little!!!
H A P P Y V A L E N T I N E ' S D A Y
H A P P Y V A L E N T I N E ' S D A Y
Baby Hughes,
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Budget Friendly February
Hello lovelies!
It has been a while since I last posted. I was doing so good there for a while and then jumped on the freeway in personal life and am just now making it back - kind of.
I thought I would update everyone on how our month is going. We are trying really hard to purchase a house and just be more budget conscious.
We have decided that we will each start saving a certain percentage of each paycheck no matter what. We have a bad habit of pulling more out of savings than we put it. It kills me a little inside pisses me off every time I see our savings number go down and I decided that we couldn't do it anymore if we wanted to buy a house and have a family. Ryan and I both compromised on what percentages we will contribute and have made an agreement that we will be saving 20% monthly of Ryan's checks and 20% monthly of my checks. We are hoping that this will give us a better security blanket and allow us to be more aware of where we are spending our money.
Speaking of being more aware of budget, the Army told us about this great website to use when tracking our money after this last deployment and we absolutely love it! It is Mint and we use it all the time. It uploads your bank accounts each time you open it and it tells you exactly how much money you have where. It also breaks it down into categories for you and shows you where you are spending the most of your money. It gives you an estimated budget for each category and will send you emails when you are going over or getting low on a bank account. We have found it very helpful, although it is very honest and makes you really think about what/where you are spending your money. Go check it out! It's free and they have apps for you phone or tablet. :)
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As you can see we are doing pretty well with the minor hiccup of Movies & DVDs. We went to one movie and those suckers are expensive now! |
To also help us not spend as much money we have been eating at home more this month. We have planned that instead of eating out 6-10 meals a week we will only eat maximum 3! We have changed our eating out days from Friday - Sunday, with the occasional night that we don't want to cook, to just Saturdays. I know that this is hard for both of us, especially because Ryan gets tired of sandwiches for lunch and loves going out and I do not necessarily cook the best, but we are making it work.
We have come up with some fun dinners and have even tried new stuff, which is always exciting and terrifying at the same time.
I want to start sharing my recipes on here soon and I hope you all enjoy them. I think that we take the best of both worlds and make something delicious. I DO NOT hand-make everything we eat and I think that is where some people will be able to relate. We use everyday items out of our pantry and make it the healthiest and best tasting that we can. We are in no way, shape or form dietitians and have no real ground to stand on when it comes to what is "healthy"
Here are some of the recipes that we have eaten most recently that I plan to share very soon :)
Hamburger Pizza - my mom's recipe that she has been making since I was a little girl
His and Hers Calzones
Raviolis with meat sauce
Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
We are headed out to Colorado this Thursday and are so excited! Can't wait to spend some time with our fambam. We have been really good with our budget so we can indulge a little bit while we are there :)
Do you have any fun new recipes we should try?? :)
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
What's In a Name...?
Today I am linking up with Mackenzie to inform everyone about what this little blogs name means.

I would like to think it is pretty simple and self-explanatory, but when thinking about it some more, it has so much more meaning than just basically what it says.
Life as a Hughes...started as a way to document my life as a new person. Granted I started the blog after I had been a Hughes for over a year but it was still a way to document how my life had changed.
I had changed from a Garcia, something I had been my whole life. Proud youngest daughter of my Mexican daddy and Irish/German mommy. I went from being a single (not married) young lady starting her life after college. I luckily got to marry the man of my dreams and soul mate and became a Hughes.
I am now a Hughes, something I have only been for less than two years. I am an Army wife. I am a career-lady. I am a fur-mommy. I am the best friend to a man who shares my last name. I am the future baby mama to his babies and new little Hughes'. I couldn't be happier with this change.
So after thinking about it, I realized how Life as a Hughes isn't just about me being a new person, it's about my journey through life with my best friend and making our name ours.
Currently I blog about life, recipes, the wedding, etc. I am sure in the future it will be about house buying, baby making, and birthing little ones. I am just so excited to see where Life as a Hughes takes me.
I hope you will join me on this adventure and read along
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
ABCs of Me!
Good morning lovelies! I read a fun little thing from Allison over at Texas Mrs last week and decided to borrow it myself. It will give you a little bit more info about me plus it is fun!
I hope you enjoy and as Allison said, feel free to borrow :)
B - Birthday: January 1
C - Color: Green
D - Drink: Mr. Pibb ::now known as Pibb Xtra::
E - Eyes: Green and not from jealousy :)
F - Flashback: Rugrats
G - Gent: Hubby Ryan
H - Hobby: Blogging, shopping, watching TV - this should be more like running, biking, kayaking but I'm just not that gal
I - Indulgence: Pizza
J - Job: Admin by day, wife and fur mommy by night
K - Kiddos: Someday :)
L - Love: Husband, family, dogs, life
M - Music: Country all the way
N - Nation: The greatest country in all the land - United States of America!
O - Overstock: Socks! I can't help it! I love them!
P - Pets: Hank, the Yellow Lab and Abbie, the English Pointer
Q - Quote: "Happy girls are the prettiest girls." -Audrey Hepburn
R - Residence: Northern California
S - Siblings: 5 sisters, 1 brother
T - Temperature: Not cold like it should be in Winter
U - University: California State University, Sacramento
V - Vehicle: 2008 Ford Taurus - LOVE!
W - Want: A home, baby, happiness forever. Is that too much to ask for? :)
X - X: I love the Xylophone! No joke! This has always been my favorite instrument since I was a little girl.
Y - Yuck: Clowns
Z - Zodiac: Capricorn
Monday, February 3, 2014
Weekend Recap and New Goals
Hello All!
I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! Ryan and I had a very busy one, but fun.
Our weekend started on Friday night. We made dinner at home - and by make dinner I mean he had a skillet thing and I made a bowl of chili - and then went to see a movie. We went to see Lone Survivor and it was amazing. I didn't know how I would do considering that Ryan just got home from Afghanistan and the thought of him going back is always around, but, surprisingly, I did pretty well. I did not cry - SHOCKER - but was very moved by it. It was intense and detailed and I recommend it to anyone. I am so glad it came out after Ryan was home and that I was able to watch it with my own hero. He was very quiet and still during the movie and I could tell he was captured by it. An amazing story of how life can be is over there. Thank you military! :)
Saturday we woke up were awaken by our lovely baby Hank and started our day. We planned on looking at some houses and continuing this home hunt. There was something wrong with each of them and it had me defeated (yes, I know, a little bit dramatic) and determined that we were being too picky or there just isn't a house for us. After multiple conversations we concluded that we aren't being too picky and that the right one is out there. Ryan thinks that it will come to be in the next week or so and I am truly hoping that he is correct! We ended our day with dinner with a friend and hit the hay.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! We were once again awaken by our darling littlest one and started our day much earlier than we had wanted. We lounged around most of the morning watching back to back episodes of Property Brothers and Diners, Driver Ins and Dives. Super exciting huh? We made our way to lunch, Petco for more dog food (it seems that we are there every week!) and then up the hill to a friend's house for the Super Bowl. We had a good evening there full of football, cocktails, yummy food, horseshoes, fire pits and good company. We ended the night slightly after the slaughter game was over and went home to go ni-night.
I have to mention the only commercial from the Super Bowl that I loved and in case you missed it, I included it right here :)
Overall, it was a great weekend and I couldn't have been happier. Any time I get to spend the days with my love and babies is great.
Now onto the goals. The hubby and I have a few goals for this month. First, we are going to eat dinner at home every night except for maybe Saturday. Now, this does not exclude going to the parentals for a free, home-cooked meal, so if you are reading this Mom, we are available any night! :) Because of this, look out for some recipes and most-likely failed attempts at me cooking. Second, I would like us to really watch our spending. We definitely live a good life and we aren't poor, but inevitably I get upset about money every month. I want us both to be more budget conscious and do better at this.
Wish us luck!!
Now onto the goals. The hubby and I have a few goals for this month. First, we are going to eat dinner at home every night except for maybe Saturday. Now, this does not exclude going to the parentals for a free, home-cooked meal, so if you are reading this Mom, we are available any night! :) Because of this, look out for some recipes and most-likely failed attempts at me cooking. Second, I would like us to really watch our spending. We definitely live a good life and we aren't poor, but inevitably I get upset about money every month. I want us both to be more budget conscious and do better at this.
Wish us luck!!
I hope you all have a great rest of your Monday and have a splendid week :)
eating in,
house hunting,
Super Bowl,
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