So I have decided to do some Bumpdates :)
I will not be taking over this blog with all baby stuff, although I am very excited so some days it might seem as though. I hope you continue to read along with me and enjoy my little space.
Onto the Bump!
How far along are you? 13 Weeks and 1 Day
How I'm feeling: Great! Just tired every night.
Total weight gain: None so far! :) I want to keep it under 20 if at all possible.
How big is baby? Baby Hughes is the size of a peach! About 2.9 inches and 0.81 ounces. Growing big and strong.
This week baby: Baby is still tiny but has fingerprints already! :) His or Her vocal cords are forming this week.
Maternity clothes: Today is the first day I am wearing Maternity Jeans! I have a couple pairs that I can still wear of my normal clothes but they are dirty and it was just easier to pull these babies out! :) My mom has bought me quite a bit already though so I am excited to be able to start wearing those.
Sleep: Sleep is my best friend! I think I could sleep 12 hours a night and be good :) I have had a couple of rough nights this week but that is only because I'm squishing the ladies. OUCH!
Best moment this week: We have received our first thing for Baby Hughes! My mom found the car seat that I want on Brad's Deals for a super good price so she ordered them! They already arrived! We are super excited!
Movement: Not yet, but I know that it is still too soon. Ryan can't wait to feel him or her move though.
Food cravings: I want a panini. I have wanted a panini since before I knew I was pregnant and have yet to have one. Weird thing, we have a panini maker and have been to a panini place since then, and still haven't had one. I think it just sounds good but I don't really want one. LOL
Food aversions: Nothing in particular, but the smell of things can really bother me at times.
Belly button in or out: In
What I am thankful for: I am thankful that this baby is going to be joining our family and is growing big and strong. All we want is a healthy baby at the end of this.
What I'm looking forward to: We are both very much looking forward to finding out what we are having. We both currently think it's a boy but would be perfectly fine with either gender. We find out in 4-6 weeks

My SIL's belly button stayed IN the whole pregnancy. Blew my mind...
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping for this as well! I think it's just cuter. LOL
DeleteYAY!! All good things :-) Hopefully you'll feel movement soon. I think I started feeling something around 17 weeks and for sure felt kicking at around 19 weeks. Exciting times!
ReplyDeleteWe cannot wait. Ryan is super jealous that I will feel it before he can. I am super excited!!
DeleteHooray for bumpdates! love it! :) Xx.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am excited to watch it grow! :)
DeleteSo exciting! You must be so anxious to find out the gender. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI am pretty thrilled to find out! We might have to end up paying to find out early, but as of right now, we are wanting to wait until 20 weeks.