I cannot believe that I have a 15 month old little guy already! Caleb has grown so fast and although I'm not doing monthly letters to him anymore I still want to write little updates here and there about how he is doing and growing.
Since Caleb turned 1 a few things have changed. Caleb is now a walker! And by walker I mean runner! This boy decided to take his first steps, unassisted in any way, on October 1st! Ever since he has been taking off any, and every, chance he gets. He loves getting his shoes and socks on because he knows that it means he is going outside which means that he can run and play. We try not to let him crawl because it ruins his shoes and we want him to keep getting more stable and comfortable with walking. He loves that he can walk and you can just tell how big he feels when he gets to. He does this funny little backwards walk too that we have named "The Moonwalk". He does it when he is getting attention and because people laugh he just continues. It is one of the cutest things!
Another change has been his car seat. Now, we have had the same car seat since we brought him home from the hospital, but he has been backwards up until his 14-month birthday :) On November 4th we weighed him and he had gained 2 pounds since his 1-year-checkup putting him over the minimum weight amount and we made the decision to flip him forward. This boy's world has opened up so much more now that he can see out the windows better and he loves it! He dancing more and interacts with us more while we drive. We spend over an hour a day in the car together so I am happy that he is enjoying his forward facing :)
Caleb has been doing great at his bedtime routine. We have added brushing his teeth into the routine and he absolutely loves it! We get a clean diaper on with our jammies and he turns on his little heater in his room. We go out to the living room where a little warm milk is waiting and he drinks up while snuggling with us on the couch. He rushes off to our bedroom to brush his teeth. Who'd have thunk that our kid would love brushing his teeth so much?! He wipes his mouth on the towel after brushing and rushes off to his room. He turns off his heater, turns on his humidifier and waits to be put in his crib. We give goodnight hugs and kisses, arrange him and all of his "friends" and say goodnight. He is out within 10 minutes most nights. We have gotten so lucky with him being such a great sleeper. We are really scared for this next little babe. LOL.
We eliminated the pacifiers at month 13 and we haven't looked back. He did great with getting rid of it and we are kind of amazed with how easy it was. We put him down on a Saturday night without it and he fell right to sleep. We managed to continue this for the next 7 days and by the next Saturday we had thrown them all away and had a pacifier free baby :)
We eliminated bottles at month 14. We started slowly by just eliminating the night time bottle. He still got his milk but out of a sippy cup instead of a bottle. He was refusing to drink his morning milk out of the cup for a while, but eventually he did it and we are now completely off of bottles as well. They are all packed up and out of sight and it is so much easier now with just using sippy cups.
Caleb still has a huge appetite and loves eating constantly. We have found it harder to get him to eat vegetables now that he isn't eating purees anymore but we give him the puree pouches that give him basic vegetable nutrition and try to get him to eat a veggie at each meal. The kid would kill someone over a banana or berries but has started refusing meat lately. I'm sure it is just a phase he is going through and hopefully the meat loving baby will return soon.
Caleb now has 8 teeth and we are pretty sure he is trying to cut some more but can't see them yet. He seems to get by just fine with just the 8 and they say that the longer it takes for them to come up the less chance of them decaying? I don't know if that is true or not, but as it stands our little babe only has 8 teeth and can put any other kid his age with more teeth to shame on how fast he can eat :)
Caleb is still the happy-go-lucky baby that he always has been. We have been so blessed with him and can't wait to continue watching him grow. We are looking forward to Christmas this year because he is going to love all of the lights and decorations.
We love you Caleb Tyler!
15-month stats:
Weight: 27 pounds
Clothes: 18 months
I finally got rid of the night time bottle last night and I'm more sad about it than she is. we do a cup of warm milk now, and she's cool with it. I know she would be fine with getting rid of the nook too, but I just can't bring myself to do it...so I'm waiting haha. I can't get over how much caleb looks like a little boy! I just want to hug him!