I can't believe that another month has passed and we have almost been on this journey for a full year now! It has definitely been a roller coaster, but it is all worth it.
We are doing so well and I am beyond proud of us. I keep thinking that this month has to be the best it will be, but then we managed to out do ourselves time and time again and where we are now is honestly amazing!!!
Let's get started shall we?
Remember last month during my update I mentioned that October was most likely going to be a big month for us? Well we were right! We made the decision, as a family, that Ryan would sign a contract for another 6 years in the Army Reserves. That's right folks, we are staying in and it is honestly what is best for all of us. It provides us with an extra income and Ryan truly does love being part of the Army.
Well with that contract came a pretty penny that definitely had BILLS written all over it. We had a number in mind of what we would get, after taxes and everything, set it lower then we were really hoping for and budgeted around that.
In October, thanks to that extra little chunk of money we managed to pay off...$4845!!!!!
So that means that we were able to completely pay off both of our medical bills, a personal loan, one credit card, one company card and make our car, truck and house payments.
We also replenished our $1000 emergency savings account and have successfully not used a single credit card since August 19th!
We were able to pay cash for Hank's most recent training and also are paying cash for Ryan's duck blind this year.
We have set ourselves up for a great winter and we can't wait to see how it continues. The next big chunk of money we are hoping for is our tax return in a few months and that will get us that much closer to being debt free :) - well just having the house and two car payments, which is completely fine with us!
We are now looking at having almost $2000 per month to use for groceries, gas, pet items, baby items and fun living. That is huge!!!
I am so incredibly proud of us and I look forward to updating you again on how November went :)
gah! you guys are amazing!! so proud of you. I've missed you posting around here too lady, so I was so happy to see you pop up. hugs!