I have been completely MIA. I did so well in August and then we went on vacation, my baby turned 1 and Fall came around. We have been soaking it all up and blogging has gotten the back burner unfortunately. Also, work has been crazy and our laptop isn't very cooperative so another reason why there have not been any posts. We have plans on getting a new laptop and hopefully blogging will get placed back in the front. :)
This sweet babe is amazing and we have been 2 weeks without a pacifier! TWO WEEKS GUYS!! We did it cold turkey and I hope to get a post up about it all soon. But in the mean time check out this adorable picture and be sad with me for a second because these pictures will no longer be happening.
It's Fall Y'all! And we have already made one trip to the pumpkin patch this year. We probably have at least 2 more trips in our future and we are loving it! Take a look back at last year's visit here.
Family Picture season is upon us and we have our date booked and I already have my Boys' outfits picked out. Now what am I going to wear that will match them?
We reenlisted to the Army for another 6 years guys. It is what is best for our family at this point and what helps make Ryan happy. I will be doing another post on this in the future to explain our reasons and how we came up with this option.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Go enjoy the beautiful Fall weather, because I'm pretty certain it is Fall everywhere but California at this point. :)