With all of that being said, I was determined to watch this season of The Bachelorette. I love Kaitlyn and was praying that she was chosen. I probably still would have watched if it was Britt, but I am so happy that it is Kaitlyn.
Now I have been keeping up my commitment, to myself, and have watched every episode thus far and let me tell you...it stresses me out! And come on Bachelorette producers...quit dragging things on each and every episode! As a new audience member I am not liking this "To Be Continued..." each episode. I thought we started each episode with a new week and ended each episode with people going home? Instead we are sending people home in the beginning and then have to wait until the following week for another results show....ugh! Not liking it at all..
But let's talk about this drama that I love and hate all at the same time. Without giving away too many spoiler alerts in case you haven't caught up yet, what is this girlfriend doing???
I want Corey, Jonathan and Ryan to go. They seem pointless and like they have no connection going on.
I hate JJ, who doesn't? I can't believe he was ever married before and has a baby. But I guess that is also why he is divorced? LOL.
I love Shawn! He is my favorite for her. He seems to love her so much already and it breaks my heart to see him so sad about not getting more time with her.
I also like Joshua. He is so sweet and cute. But how has he never been in love? At least thought he was in love before? Good thing he is a cutie, but I think he has a little bit of a jealous side that is going to come out very quickly.
I like Jared, but don't like him at the same time. Maybe it's his hair?? I mean, what is with everyone's hair on this show? They all seem to have the same weird haircut. Is that in and I am just really out of the loop? Should I convince my hubs to get out of the military so that he can grow some luscious locks and have a swoop hair style too?
I am seriously annoyed with the twist that they threw in this week too. It is annoying and I get why the men are upset as well. But at the same time, that's what makes good TV, right? I hope that you all know what I am talking about, but since I really hate spoilers I'm not going to say it.
Now if you love recaps as much as I do, then you must, must watch Jordan Page's Bachelor Backtalk each week. Her and her husband, Bubba, watch the show and film their reactions and give their opinions. It is hilarious and genius all at the same time!
Well I doubt I will do another recap anytime soon, but make sure that you check out Jordan's videos for her weekly recap.