1. Pretty Little Liars
I love it. I watched it from the beginning, had it set on my DVR forever and sadly stopped watching. I didn't stop watching because I stopped liking it, but because I got so far behind I always said I would catch up and never did. I would love to pick up where I stopped (which I think was the end of Season 4?) but we will see.
2. Scandal
Same as above. I got so far behind and just haven't had a chance to catch up. I hear it has gotten AH-MAZING and hopefully this summer I might be able to catch up for next season.
3. Revenge
I LOVE Revenge but got behind and have been slowly trying to catch back up, just in time for it to be cancelled. I must admit that I only have 2 episodes left to watch from Season 3 and all of Season 4 is on my DVR so I can binge watch my little heart out!! :)
My mom and I used to watch this together and then I got too far behind, she finished it and I was left in the dark. I know how it all ends, but I still think it would be good to go back and watch it and figure it all out for myself.
5. The Good Wife
I don't know how I fell out of watching this show but I did. And just like Scandal, I heard that it got great! Is that true? Should I re-watch it all?
6. Dexter
My mom got ahead of me and this is yet another show that I stopped watching because of that. It honestly is too much for me to watch in the dark, due to the fact that I am a complete scared-y cat, but I could handle episodes during the day probably. LOL.
7. Orange is the New Black
I love this show and one rainy day back in April 2014, the hubs and I binge watched 5 episodes and somehow never finished. We need to get back on this show.
8. Bones
I honestly binge watched all 6 seasons of Bones in less than 2 weeks when Ryan was preparing for deployment back in 2012. I caught up just in time for Season 7 and was obsessed. Somehow, once I moved and deployment life was setting in, I lost it. I am now 2.5 seasons behind I think? I really do love Tempe and Booth :)